Prevailing Wage & Davis Bacon

Prevailing Wage & Davis Bacon

Davis Bacon and Prevailing Wages Protecting Paychecks, Defending Taxpayers and Creating Build America Jobs Federal Davis-Bacon law sets a wage floor for federal construction projects that prevents government spending from undermining local wages and living standards....


We are a nation of citizens. Citizenship unites us and can strengthen our unions. Immigration Reform LIUNA was founded more than a century ago by proud immigrants and we continue to work for fair treatment of immigrant workers in this nation. LIUNA will continue to...
Retirement Security

Retirement Security

Protected Pensions, Retirement Security for Millions of Workers For years, hundreds of multi-employer pension funds faced declining status with many on the verge of failing. As part of the American Rescue Plan, Congress provided billions of dollars to shore up those...
So Called Right To Work

So Called Right To Work

Corporate Interest Groups Are Pushing So-Called Right-to-Work, Attacking Our Right to Prosper So-called right-to-work laws, which undermine unions and good jobs by forcing unions to represent workers who don’t pay dues, are advancing in state legislatures across...
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