Corporate Interest Groups Are Pushing So-Called Right-to-Work, Attacking Our Right to Prosper

So-called right-to-work laws, which undermine unions and good jobs by forcing unions to represent workers who don’t pay dues, are advancing in state legislatures across the country.

Know the facts. So-called Right-to-Work doesn’t create jobs. It turns good union jobs into bad jobs.

  • On average, workers in “right to work” states make 15.2% less annually, approximately $50,174 less than workers in free bargaining states.
  • In so-called right-to-work states, fewer are free to join a union, slashing retirement contributions and crippling pensions.
  • Uninsured rates are higher in “right to work” states (11.9%) than free bargaining states.
  • ‘Right-to-Work” states have a 37% higher workplace fatality rate.
  • “Right-to-work” states have a significantly higher proportion of low-wage jobs (24%) than free bargaining states (14.5%).


Stop So-Called Right-to-Work Toolkit

LIUNA. Factsheet: So-Called Right to Work Really Means No Union Work Household Income 2019

AFL-CIO. Resources on So-Called Right to Work.

EPI. Research on Right to Work.

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